This Episode
This episode starts way back in 1991, when Katie and Tiffany met in Mr. Fitzgerald’s class and became best friends. Now, they’re the owners of Time Out Sitters and Moms which is part of their secret sauce to creating the business and resource parents love. Let’s call time in and jump into my conversation with Katie and Tiffany, owners of Time Out Sitters.
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In This Episode
Danny: Hey, Katie and Tiffany, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast. I, thanks so much for being here. I appreciate it. Of course,
Tiffany: Danny. Thank you for having us.
Danny: Oh my god, you were so right. Before we started, you were like, what happens if we talk all over each other? But here we are doing it.
Really though, like when we came up with the idea of this podcast, like you guys are like the first ones that I really thought of. I’d probably say that to like everybody, but I really thought of you guys. You really mean it. Yeah, I really mean it because when I met you it’s such an interesting, just like.
I don’t know. You have such a great perspective of this industry and of helping people for real. And you don’t think of it just as helping the families, but you also think of all the caregivers. And I remember talking And you telling me that, I was like, it’s scary. It must be scary doing like the shift job type, babysitting stuff.
And you were like, it’s an ecosystem. And I just [00:01:00] appreciated that so much. So could you actually tell me a little bit about the background of timeout sitters?
Katie: Sure. I’ll try to make it short. Cause I’m long winded, but I met a lady who actually started the company at a birthday party. And the first thing she said to me was, do you know anybody who wants to buy a business?
And it was one of those moments where I looked behind me are you talking to me or somebody else? Because I of course wanted to buy a business, like that’s who I am. And and so I called Tiffany immediately. I’m like, Hey. Listen, I found we’re going to get a business. Okay. And so fast forward at the time, my, my now 13 year old was one.
And so I wanted something to stay home with him. And and so it was just like, perfect, right? Like perfect timing for everything. And and Tiffany wasn’t as on board at first because she had two little ones. So it took a little convincing for her. And then she was like, okay, I’m in, let’s do this.
And but we should go back to Tiffany. I met when we were in sixth grade. And so we had been [00:02:00] trying to come up with a business for years of what we could do together. And we joked that we’re glad none of them worked out because it was like a cookbook and like a pet boutique and a baby boutique.
And just, Anyway, it all worked out the way that it was supposed to, right? So anyway so fast forward to, to, Tiffany comes in and we’re running this business together and it just, it was just the secret sauce was Tiffany and I together doing it. As our best friends running the business that we wish that we had when our kids were little, which we created what we needed, right?
We needed a break from our kids. We needed trusted caregivers vetted sitters and all of that, all of those things. So we basically just created what we wanted after we purchased the name and the website and the phone number and all of those little, Those little parts that came with it, but we say that we turn Time Out Sitters into what it is today by doing it together.
Danny: I love that. It’s like a Lucy and Ethel type of moment where you need each other to make it work. Tiffany, [00:03:00] is that how you remember it?
Tiffany: Yeah, yes. Yes. For sure. Katie had the guts to, to say, let’s go. And I was a little bit hesitant, but I’m glad that I, like she says, I came around and we are very much yin and yang.
We compliment each other for sure. Our personalities, while we’re, best of friends and get along on the personal level. And I think also on the business level, we really her strengths, pick up where I’m weak and vice versa. It’s
Danny: good. That’s great. And I’m thinking how Katie, you had just mentioned that someone was like, the woman that started this was like, would you like, who wants to buy a business?
And I feel like that’s probably a unique way to get into this business. When you say that other options were like a cookbook and baby and pet boutiques what is it that like, this agency spoke out to you that you were like, you know what, we’re going to pause on the recipes? Like, how did you go to [00:04:00] this one?
Katie: I think that It was just presented to me and I have a, my background is in hospitality management. I, my, my prior life to owning time out sitters was in event planning and working in hotels. I did wedding planning as well. So for me, I’m, I love to take care of people. I’m very service oriented.
Like if I could get paid to volunteer, I probably would really do that too, just because I love serving. And so this was a way for me to serve. Other moms other moms like me who still wanted to be able to do. To be more than just a mom. We wanted to, we love our kids and we want to be a mom, but we also wanted to be able to do other things.
And so this was a way for me to serve people in my community of, whether it was a date night or just lunch with friends any, that kind of thing that’s really, I think where it came from. And it was also at the time, a vehicle for me to be able to stay home because the thought of putting my child in daycare like I couldn’t sleep at night because of that.
And and so now I have three [00:05:00] children, 12 years into this, three children, and not one of them has ever been to daycare. And and that, that was, that’s been a lot of my motivation was to be home with my babies. That’s
Danny: awesome. That’s why, yeah, I love that none of your children have ever had to go to daycare.
This, what you wanted it to be is like serving that purpose, like purpose
Katie: for you. And then I think when, I’m sorry, let me interrupt you really fast. No, go for it. When I was starting and wrote the original business plan, my business plan was to have other moms be able to do this. with me. That was then my next goal was like, if I can stay home with these kids, Tiffany comes alongside me and our kids are still like our 13 and her almost 14 year old are best friends.
To give that gift to somebody else. And so what’s really fun is that just in the last couple of months, we have done that. And now we have Timeout sitters, Lubbock and timeout sitters, Austin. And we’re talking with two other ladies about other cities in Texas. So [00:06:00] it’s all coming full circle a little bit later than I wanted it to, but I think the timing is still perfect.
Tiffany: And these ladies they’re moms like Katie was saying, but they’re also ex sitters. They used to be sitters for timeout sitters years ago. So it’s really coming full circle.
Danny: Oh my goodness. We should bring one of them on the podcast too and ask them about this type of journey.
That’s. Really crazy. And it’s funny because like I knew that, but I didn’t know any of that backstory either. Like that these are moms, like I didn’t know how your expansion was happening. I suppose on that note, what do you think, if that was like part of your goal, like what took you so long to get there?
And I know that’s a crazy question because building an agency and running a business is giant. But what are like the roadblocks then in having a business that’s just like hard, like for you guys what is that?
Tiffany: I think one of our biggest roadblocks that took us so long to do it was technology.
We had custom software that was great but it was [00:07:00] just only for our market and it was hard to, expand that and to grow it. And now that we’re worth engine hire, it’s it’s not a click of a button, but it’s almost a click of a button, to get them in there and get their own portal and everything set up for them.
So technology has been a big reason why we were ready to do it.
Danny: That’s awesome. Kate, do you feel, is there other roadblocks that may be for you?
Katie: No, I think that technology really was the biggest because through the years we have had multiple people. Email us multiple clients email us saying, Hey, I used to live in San Antonio and I use timeout sitters.
You guys were lifesavers. I’m in X, Y, Z city now. And there’s nothing like this. Can I please open up timeout sitters? X, Y, Z, and we would always say weren’t ready because of the technology, the cost to get them where they need to be would have been a huge barrier of entry for them just because of the custom software that we had.
And and like Tiffany said, moving over to engine hire. I [00:08:00] just said to Tiffany the other day, should we reach out to some of these other people that contacted us over the years? Cause we, we’ve had like quite, I won’t not even just one hand, like two hands worth of people wanting to, open their own time out sitters because of the experience that they’ve had and the ease of the service and the quality of sitters, the dependability just everything about Time Outsiders.
They just love so much that they wanted to open their own, which, at the time it was like a stressful, Oh my gosh can we do this? No, we can’t. And looking back on it, it was such a compliment. Like that somebody would think so highly of what we have that they want to have their own, and it really is like a dream come true.
Danny: Yeah. That’s insane. Actually. I think that so many people like Because you’ve cultivated them this like community, it’s so much deeper and running a business is really hard and you have people that were like, I would like to do this really hard thing under your umbrella.
How do we do that? So like from there, like, how do you [00:09:00] think that like you guys are able to create that sort of community? Why do people love you so much?
Katie: We’ve always said that we have two sets of clients. And it’s hard for, it’s hard for people to understand that because as a family, they think they’re the client, but really our sitters are also a client to us.
So we have, the sitters are our clients and the families are our clients. And we’ve always said it takes a very fine line of walking to keep them, everybody happy, right? Like it’s, you got to keep the sitters happy, you got to keep the families happy. And we’ve always just run timeout sitters with how we would want to be treated as a sitter and how we’d want to be treated as a family.
And if somebody had an experience that wasn’t what we wanted them to have, then it was how we handled it. The sincere apology of I’m sorry that you didn’t experience what you wanted, what you expected and how can we make that better and being open and talking to them is we’re moms.
We get it. We get that. You’re scared to leave your babies with somebody that you’ve never met. We get that. If your experience isn’t [00:10:00] what you expected to be that we want to make that better for you. Whenever somebody calls, our service, they will always talk to one of us. We own and operate it.
So we take care of our sitters. We send them birthday cards with the Starbucks gift card. We, and it’s a handwritten birthday card. We get together with them and meet with them and ask them what do you guys want to see on the technology? What do you want to see?
What do you wish a family would do? Or, we talk to them and we include them in in some of our decision making processes. But I think it’s really just how Tiffany and I have always stayed true to take care of the sitters, take care of the clients. And then everything should be a pretty okay.
You know what I mean? Like it’s not perfect. We’re not perfect, but we definitely, we make decisions based on how we would want to be treated. And I think that has been a huge part a huge part of it.
Danny: When it comes to things that you’re doing in that way, like what is it that you feel like you think about the most [00:11:00] as a business owner?
Tiffany: Good question.
Danny: I know.
Katie: For me, it’s probably, is everybody happy? Because that’s I’m people pleasing Katie. That’s just who I am. And if somebody’s not happy, then I can’t sleep at night. And I want to make sure that our sitters have as many jobs as they need to be able to pay their bills, because when we think about the number of sitters that we have, and how it sitters come back to us and say thank you so much For allowing me to go to college and work around my schedule and still be in a sorority and still get the grades I wanted, like they, they do, they’ll come back and say that to us.
And it’s wow, like that just makes my heart sing. That just makes me so happy to hear, because that is what I want. I want to make sure everybody’s happy. And when a client, submits a review that says that my child was sad when they woke up and there’s the sitter was gone. We want to have her back, like those are the things for me is.
Making sure that everybody’s happy. [00:12:00] That’s probably what I think about the most. That’s a great
Tiffany: answer. That’s a great answer. I don’t really know how to top that. That, that is like the perfect answer. I would also say making sure that, bills are being paid just like the logistics.
Like I always also think about how do I say this? Cause I want you to edit that out. I don’t want to talk about bills. Now I’m getting a hot flash. No, just like just the strategizing, where to come up with reaching new clients and strategizing, like, how do we, maybe connect with more churches and more events, like just growing the business.
I think that Katie and I both think about a lot just different strategies for doing that kind of stuff.
Danny: Yeah. I think you actually, I know we’ve, I don’t know how you want this now to go, but like with like bills and stuff, that’s something that everybody actually really, I think thinks about all the time.
And I think that you had enough courage to be like, we, I think about those, which is a totally legit thing to think about as a business owner. Cause I think that’s. There’s all these stresses. You s I guess is there a [00:13:00] way that you I guess there’s no other way for me to put this, but Tiffany, are you stressed out all the time?
Or are you do you have a zen way to deal with the stresses of having the business?
Tiffany: Oh, yeah. I think we compartmentalize things all, in our life all the time. That’s the healthy way of doing it. But the reality, you just keep your head down and work hard and take care of, like Katie’s saying, the balance of taking care of the sitters and the clients.
And you, I think you get what you give. I think if we put in hard work and and we’re giving out, kindness and fairness, then that should come back to us. I hope that’s the way it’s worked for over 10 years now. Yes, that’s
Danny: amazing. I wish I could compartmentalize things. Bad thing happened to me.
It like ruins my whole day or a good thing happens to me. It like makes everything else like crazy, like good Oh, I don’t care. Everything’s happy. I suppose where do you think? I suppose like you just actually just made a giant thing with expanding into these other markets.
So I was gonna ask you like, where do you [00:14:00] think like your business is headed? But maybe actually I should ask you rather What do you think the challenges are like with this new direction?
Tiffany: I think that growth can be slow, which I understand, like the nature of our service is built on trust and trust the family’s trusting a new service coming into town.
Like that takes a little bit of time to grow and And for families to be ready to sign up and go for it. We’ve opened markets before on our own and we understand that. And I think that’s not a bad thing. I think it’s, means you can really take, take your time to grit, to hire the right sitters and to really ease the family’s, minds and things like that.
And then build that community. So I think that, that can be a good thing.
Danny: How are you like finding the right sitters?
Katie: We interview them personally. So that’s part of our process. Our vetting process is that they are interviewed by [00:15:00] somebody. So they’re in San Antonio, they’re interviewed by me.
Lubbock, the Lubbock owner interviews them, Austin, the Austin owner will interview them. So it’s not just a sign up. I hate to say care. com on this podcast, but it’s not like a, it’s not like that where you can, anybody can just do it. Like you have to be, vetted, you have to be interviewed, and I think when a mom is interviewing somebody, and that’s part of it, is that we’re moms that own this, and the other owners are moms as well, that you’re thinking, would I allow this person into my home?
Do they, when they answer that question, do that seem sincere? Do they seem trustworthy? Would I leave my kids with them? All of those kinds of things. Those questions that on a personal level, it just now applies to all of our clients who, on a, you know, a bigger personal level, because I’m responsible for sending those people, those sitters into their homes.
So a lot of our sitters are referred to us by each other which is in San Antonio, in these new markets they’re going to the colleges. College students are [00:16:00] obviously the best people that we Confined for this sort of a job where we can work around your schedule. You most likely that’s probably one of the only jobs you’ve had when you get to college has been a babysitter, most of the time, unless you’ve worked in retail, that kind of thing.
So really it’s just a mom. Interviewing on behalf of a bunch of other moms is how we find the good ones. And we don’t hire every single person that we interview.
Danny: Which is hard
Katie: too, because you have to tell them, sorry, but we don’t want you,
Danny: That is so amazing that, just like that thought, like that’s so mind blowing to me, where you’re like, it’s moms interviewing on behalf of other moms.
And that’s like the wrap it up in a bow thing of wow, I can’t believe that. Because actually, I always think about what is, is it really that hard to find? And I think it actually is, but I’m thinking like, as a parent, is it really that hard to find someone to watch your kid?
Like what, how do you like explain when someone asks you like, is this like right for me? Who, I guess who are the parents that are reaching out? Who is that market? [00:17:00]
Katie: New parents moving into town that don’t have family, that don’t have friends, that don’t know anybody that are like, I need a babysitter.
So they find us, other moms that use us on Facebook groups, they’ll post about us. Hopefully in a Google search we pop up pretty high, so that way they can find us. But yeah, I think it’s moms that are, that are either at their wits end because I need a break. I really need timeout, which is where timeout sitters came from was for when parents need timeout.
That, they’re, they know, then they read about us, they see our name enough to know that. Okay. A lot of people have used them around the city that they’ve got to be trustworthy. We can also trust. But then I think also how our onboarding process with the family works is, they get a welcome note from us.
They get they get emails from us that the way with engine hire to sign up is super easy and they can sign up and book a sitter and get confirmation within the same hour. And that, yeah. Hello. The option, the other option is like babysitters club style, where you have a list in your phone of all these babysitters and you have to go through and text all of them, are you [00:18:00] available on this day available, wait for them to respond and hope that one of them is really going to show up and, the alternative to finding a sitter.
It’s like when online grocery shopping first started, right? Like nobody, no, I’m not, nobody’s going to pick up my produce for me. I’m doing it myself. And now I’m like click. And I go pick up my order. It’s I think once you see how easy it is and realize that it is owned by local moms that are involved, that eases a lot of people’s minds.
Tiffany: Yeah. And there’s so many benefits, like not having to negotiate rates with the sitters policies, like if the family cancels or the sitter cancels, or, who’s being, how are they being taken care of if you’re, if your sitter calls in sick or no shows or whatever, like we have a pool of other sitters that can step in and take over for a sick sitter.
I think that some people see the value of that and in a service like timeout sitters.
Danny: Yeah does it, I hope it says on your website somewhere like locally mom owned or something. That’s a genius. See, boom, you guys are geniuses. [00:19:00] Yeah, I think I suppose I just wanted to ask you like, where do you think like the evolution is of this child care industry?
It’s a very. I guess I bring it up because I had family stay with me this last week and there was lots of little kids here and I had never heard of this thing before, but there’s a box called Tony’s and it really occupied them. And then somebody else was telling me like, why can’t you just have a robot take care of your kids all the it became like a very weird conversation, but it’s like there’s daycares, there’s just like, where do you think that this whole, industry is headed?
Katie: Can I
Danny: go?
Katie: Do you mind? Okay, go for it. I think that the Just with technology and even in the last five years, I’ve just seen, what all is done online. When first the dating service was online, it was like a big deal. Oh my gosh, you’re not going to meet a freak online. But so many people that you and I know have met their husband or wife online.
And, we do banking online. We order [00:20:00] cars to take us places online. I think it’s just part of the evolution of technology is that finding childcare online is. Is becoming very normal. So I think we’re gonna, I think it will continue along that way. I think being able to grow what we have is the ease of being the ease of the booking.
Like I said, and with engine hire, we do have that ease. I think that there’s a lot of people that work from home now. And so they don’t need full time daycare having the ability to submit a request online and get that babysitter confirmed and at your house the next day. There’s just something really nice about that or last minute with moms who do go to work and they have an important meeting, then you know what happens when the kids sick mom stays home, not dad.
And so that way moms can continue to go and be in the workforce And be the mom bosses that they are and we just come alongside you. Not just Time Outsiders, but nanny agencies, babysitting agencies, the on call portion of it is huge because let’s be real. We [00:21:00] all need, now that you have a baby, like you’re going to want a night out without your baby one day.
And so being able to have that night out and know that you can call on a reliable service wherever you are, even when I go on vacation, if I want to go on a date with my husband, being able to have that ability to just pick up my phone, submit a request and know that I’m going to have reliable, safe child care to come is huge.
Danny: That’s fantastic. Tiffany, what do you think?
Tiffany: Hopefully, robot babysitters are far away from any of our, our future or where we’re looking at right now, technology moves swiftly, but I, there’s no, no substitutes for, a real life human in your house taking care of your precious, children.
Yeah I back up what Katie says, but I think that your babysitter robot is no, nowhere near, hopefully.
Danny: I will say that my brother in law was the first person to be like, Humans can only understand what another human is going through. And I was like wow, that’s very stupid. Shout out to Ethan [00:22:00] for bringing that up.
He’ll never
Tiffany: listen.
Danny: I suppose I just wanted to ask you one very last thing. Which is there anything that you guys think I should have asked you? I feel like there’s so much wisdom here and I just wanted to tap into it. If there’s anything else you think I should have been asking you to tell me?
Katie: don’t think so. I feel like we covered a lot of what we talked about and I think the only question is like, why would we have not Moved over to engine hire sooner.
Danny: And that’s a wrap on that. That’s perfect. I do think that is a, an interesting thing. Cause you had told me like you had emailed
Katie: us many times, and it was like, we ignored it.
Danny: There’s all that. Like you had like software and I do not want this to turn into an engine hire woohoo thing. But I do suppose of like. For other people that it’s worth thinking about just like software in general. Cause it’s all there. Can you do it just a, [00:23:00] like a calendly account?
Like what was the difference between like your software that you had and like what you ended up feeling like you needed? Like, where does it, what’s that pain point?
Katie: When you have custom software, what this wasn’t explained to us at the beginning of the journey of our custom software, it sounds all fun and great.
We handed them a big notebook of this is everything that we want. We want it to be able to have a preferred center. And if, and you always ask the preferred center first, and we want this and we want, all the things which we were able to say, which is great. But once it was built, we had no control over.
Changing anything. And just today we were updating a a text that goes out to our sitters and we were like, Oh my gosh, this is so amazing that we can just pop on in and fix what we want to fix. You know what I mean? So while custom software sounds amazing. And if there’s anybody listening that is, interested in starting their own business of any sort, custom software is expensive and you will never stop [00:24:00] fixing it.
It’s not just, this is what you pay. And you’re done paying. You pay, and then you pay every month to upkeep it, to maintain it, to make sure stuff doesn’t break on it, to make sure that Things that you’re using aren’t going out of business, which is really how we found you guys. The credit card processor that we had been using for five years was going out of business.
And so we were like, let’s figure out if we can stick another credit card processor on there and keep moving on our way. And then we were like, let’s just take a look and see what engine hire is doing these days. And when we saw literally our jaws dropped and we’re like, no way. Can you do this? Can you do this?
Can you do this? And we just checked all of the boxes that we needed and then some. And I don’t regret having our custom software because I think that we learned so much, but. Do I wish we had switched over sooner? Sure, what we have now is so easy. When
Tiffany: we built it, when we were building our custom software, technology changes so fast, so when we were building this our software, there wasn’t software like engine hire, or at least [00:25:00] not as extensive as engine hire is now when we were building it.
So we had no choice, but it was a great learning lesson. I think Katie’s saying no regrets there, but we’re very grateful that technology has caught up to where it is and We’ve been able to find somebody else to handle all the technology side of our business. Cause it’s time consuming, money consuming, all those things.
Yeah we’re grateful to have found it.
Danny: I’m really glad to hear that. I have to ask one question on top of that though. I’m so sorry for keeping you still. What made you go with custom software as opposed to some other like CRM system to like already existed, which I also assume like.
Would have missing pieces, but like, why did you go to Hey, we’re going to just custom software. This
Katie: nothing existed out there with what we wanted. And we wanted to be careful. To the point of if somebody didn’t want to have a sitter back, we wanted to make sure that this, the, that they wouldn’t get that sitter.
We, we had to be careful with having people’s credit cards on file. We were paying the sitters. We were paying [00:26:00] ourselves how all of the payment worked. Once the credit card was. Was charged. There was nothing out there that would do that and we didn’t want to be sitting there. If we told you what we came from, you would go, Oh my gosh.
Like it was, we had paper receipts and and we would look through these paper receipts every month with, thousands of jobs. It was insane what we were doing. And then just having this, just the scheduling part of it alone was a whole thing. And then we had the payment piece of it.
And then we had the CRM, there wasn’t anything. Then we had looked high and low and, everywhere we could go, we looked and we talked to local software companies. We talked to software companies that were not in the United States. We went through a lot to get to where we were because we needed to be careful of the information that we were holding for our clients.
Again, always putting them, putting our clients, first and foremost, the families and then making sure that our babysitters were also being taken care of in a timely manner because they didn’t want to wait two weeks for a paycheck. They want, you [00:27:00] babysit, you want to leave with cash in your hand kind of a thing.
So it was, there was a lot of balancing of both of our clients that we mentioned before that came into play that it would be like, oh, we’ve got this, but then it doesn’t satisfy that. Or we’ve got that. But, and it was like, there was nothing that really did it. So we said let’s just make it ourselves then.
So that’s what we
Tiffany: did. And I think we outgrew I think if anybody’s looking at starting at any kind of business babysitting or not start with Google docs or whatever you can piecemeal CRMs or MailChimp or like all those things together to start your business, but eventually if all goes as you want it to go and your business grows and becomes successful, then you outgrow that and that’s what happened, We outgrew it, had to build some software, outgrew that, found engine hire, that,
Danny: that’s awesome because like you touched on so many things that are just like, oh yeah, that can’t have existed anywhere else of being like, if you don’t want this sitter, you don’t have to get them next time. That’s like such a very intricate like owner detail of You see the bird’s eye view of this and again, [00:28:00] like being parents you have that, known being like, Oh, I didn’t want that sitter.
So I’m not going to call that kid again. Or however that would work, back in however, but that’s you have to be there to live that. And that’s really cool that you can do that for your clients that you can, Way ahead of the time before software existed for this, you knew that was something that was going to be really important to their, to their needs to using your service.
And I think that’s just incredible because I think a lot of people miss out on those like nuances or don’t even have, nowhere to start when they’re coming up with that is a hurdle, but I don’t know how to ever overcome that. So I’ll just keep doing it with my pen and paper and it’s gonna suck.
And I’ll just do that because there can’t be anything else. But you were like, we’re looking all over the world for software, like we’re doing it. And I think that’s, A real testament to everything you guys do. I love talking to you guys. We should actually probably do this again sometimes if you’ll ever have me.
Of course, happy to. And but last [00:29:00] question, where can people learn more about Timeout Sitters?
Katie: and, or just go on Instagram Timeout Sitters or Facebook Timeout Sitters and you’ll be able to find everything that you need to get us there.
Danny: Oh my God. Perfect.
Katie: Thank you. Call us. We want to talk to you.
We love when the phone rings. It’s fine.
Danny: See, and who else is like that? Nobody loves it when the phone rings. I’ve not answered my phone like at all today and it’s rung so much. I’m a bad person. Thank you again, Katie, Tiffany, Time Out Sitters. You guys are amazing. Thanks so much everyone for joining us.
Go to It was amazing. Call them.
Tiffany: Thanks Danny.