How much time do you spend on Canva or Word cleaning up or recreating caregiver resumes?

Save hours with the caregiver portfolio builder and management system designed specifically for child care agencies. Your clients will be super impressed!
Nannies are amazing at making parents’ lives easier, but not so amazing at making resumes, right? If you have to chase caregivers for resumes and end up recreating them anyway to make them presentable to your clients, there’s an easier way! Here’s how it works:

Step 1

We help you set up a 100% custom resume builder form to gather everything you need: contact info, work history, education, references, documents, etc.

Step 2

We work with you to design a beautiful portfolio. We can recreate a design you have existing, or you can customize from our template library!

The magical part is as applicants fill in your forms in step 1, it will auto clean up, format and lay everything out into your design. No more time spent in Word or Canva!

Step 3

Add all kinds of incredible touches like video introductions, image galleries, custom badges and more!

Did You Know

Families are 2.8x more likely to interview a caregiver after watching a video of them

Families want to know who they are! Not just a piece of paper telling them what they’ve done.

Did You Know

83% of parents go through the hiring process and make decisions using their phone?

Have you tried looking at a PDF or Word doc resume on a phone? It’s a horrible experience!

You'll have a simple administrator dashboard for keeping track of all of your caregiver profiles in one place.

All of their information, files, documents, reference checks, everything. No more random folders on your computer and Google Drive! We’ll even track and notify you if one of their documents is expiring.

Supercharge your matches

Easily sort, search and find the best caregivers for your clients. Not sure who lives where? See everyone on a map! Need to look up everyone who speaks Spanish, knows how to drive and is okay with dogs? No problem!
You can also easily tag and categorize caregivers based on what kind of work they are looking for, where they want to work, and any other important matching criteria.

Want to learn more and see how it works?

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