Event Childcare Reimagined

Manage your events with the all-in-one software solution customized just for you. Your attendees and caregivers will love it!

Attendee + Caregiver Profiles

Gather and store all information on your attendees, their children and your caregivers

Powerful Administrative Dashboard

Manage all of your events, which caregivers are working when, check children in and out

Scheduling - Day to Day Management

Empower your clients, make it easy for them to do what you need them to.

Documents + Secure Signatures

Built in documents and e-signatures at every step - no need for papers or DocuSign

Notifications + Communication via Email+SMS

Seamlessly keep everyone in the loop at all times about what's going on

Discover how Enginehire can work for your events

Trusted by hundreds of staffing agencies

Agencies like you all around the world, including an agency near you!

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